
Be a CORDUSA Ambassador!

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Dear All,

With the start of spring and the hope that the pandemic is behind us, we are renewing our CORDUSA activities and looking forward to getting out and helping our community in all ways we can. We are expanding our community service projects (check out what all we currently offer in different chapters here) and would like all your help and new ideas. We would like you all to actively be part of our effort to help our local communities and be our ambassadors in spreading awareness for CORDUSA.

Currently, we are focusing this effort to gather information from interested people in the USA and Canada and we hope to expand it further in the near future!

If you would like to be involved in CORDUSA activities, please fill out this form below, so we can reach out to you for specific projects in the areas you’re interested in.

Thank you!
With Love and Om,
The CORDUSA Board.

    Please fill out this form so we can know you better and help you help others!

    Name *

    Email Address *

    Mobile Number

    Country *

    Chinmaya Mission Center and City *

    What CORDUSA activity would you like to be part of? *


    Announcement: Changes to CORDUSA Board of Directors

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    Friday, February 18, 2022

    Announcement: Changes to CORDUSA Board of Directors

    Dear all,

    Please note the changes to the CORDUSA Board of Directors

    After 13 years of service as directors, Vijaya Cherukuri and Pranji Lodhia have retired from CORDUSA board. The current board of directors of CORDUSA are as below:

    Swami Swaroopananda (Chairman & President)
    Apparao Mukkamala, Flint (Treasurer)
    Subha Varma Pathial, Portland (Secretary)
    Vidya Ramanathan, Ann Arbor
    Vidya Narayanan, Raleigh Durham

    Tina Smith, Lewis & Knopf will continue to handle and manage CORDUSA bookkeeping and receipting.

    The chairman and the board very much appreciate and thank Pranji and Vjaya for their dedicated and sincere service and wish them the best. We are delighted to welcome Vidya Ramanathan & Vidya Narayanan to our board.

    For further details please visit our website and as always, I am just an email away.

    Thank you!
    CORDUSA Inc.
    Tax ID – 27-0540459
    (866) 580-5508


    COVID19 Relief #BoundToEachOther – updates at your fingertip!

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    Dear Friends!

    A lot has happened and changed in the world over the past months since #COVID19 #pandemic erupted. #CoronaVirus shows how vulnerable we remain. This #pandemic has had far-reaching consequences beyond the spread of the disease itself and efforts to quarantine it. As the health and human toll grows, the economic damage is already evident and represents the largest economic shock the world has experienced in decades.

    Stunning, staggering, mind-numbing, call it what you will, the COVID-19 pandemic’s crushing impact on the job market is inescapable.

    Job losses due to business closures peaked at 23 million last May, according to the Georgetown center on Education and the workforce statistics. #ChinmayaMission centers around USA, joining hands with #CORDUSA, have raised awareness and funds and so far we have raised close to 300,000 for helping those who are affected by the pandemic.

    If you are interested in contributing to this cause, please click this link and donate securely.

    Here you can check the impact our giving is having on the broader community at any given time. Please reach out to see if I missed anything and I certainly will add. Please click on the link or image to read more.





    The #COVID19 Pandemic in the US #BoundToEachOther #CORDUSA

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    Dear friends!

    COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact has taken a terrible toll globally. It is particularly sad that our country has not been spared either; despite its economic might.    As of this month, US COVID-19 related unemployment claims hit a staggering 26.4 million, the five-week total has now surpassed all of the job gains since the Great Recession.

    Over 10 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits in March – The latest official figures highlight the devastating economic impact of this pandemic on the American economy, with the numbers growing every day. All 50 states reported a rise in unemployment, with widespread layoffs reported in almost all sectors of the economy.

    While all of us feel the impact of the novel coronavirus, the burden falls most heavily on those who have been marginalized in our society. Homeless people, those on the poverty line, individuals without health insurance are all feeling the pinch most of all – as many struggle to get even a single meal for the day.

    Many students around the country rely on schools to provide free or low-cost meals. Many of the children in these families have no other way to get their meals for the day. With most schools around the nation closed until further notice, many of these families are struggling to get additional basic necessities met.

    With all this suffering around us, we must ask ourselves: How can we step up to help meet their needs? Contact us to know more…

    Please note that with CORD USA, 100% of your donations and corporate matching goes directly to those in need independent of their race, color, immigration status, age, sex, religion or disability. Let us rise to the occasion and make a difference during these extraordinary times!

    See this link for more information

    Thank you in advance for your generosity!

    CORDUSA Inc.
    Tax ID – 27-0540459
    Toll free number: (866) 580-5508

    Changing Lives…!/cordusa


    Information regarding #CORDUSAServiceVisit2020 #Highschool #Summer2020

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    Information regarding #CORDUSAServiceVisit2020 #Highschool #Summer2020

    Greetings from our beautiful Portland!

    Hope you all had a chance to see the video made by our recent service visit participants.  We have been receiving emails and voicemails asking about the Summer service visit opportunities in 2020. I want to update all of you regarding this.

    Because of the current travel adversaries and unknown health risks, we have decided not to conduct a Summer service visit this year.  Please sign up to receive our updates directly using the link –

    In the meantime, please do let me know if you are interested in participating in local service activities.

    Our CORDUSA ambassadors have continued their Seva with multiple programs like tutoring ESL students, doing homeless shelter services, cleaning up streets, coordinating camps and many other activities in their local areas.

    Have a safe and productive 2020!

    Thank you!
    CORDUSA Inc.
    Tax ID – 27-0540459
    Toll free number: (866) 580-5508

    Changing Lives…!/cordusa