I am Khushi
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development has done tremendous work in India to alleviate rural India from poverty, unemployment, womans empowerment etc. This video is a short summary of the amazing work of CORD.

Chinmaya Vijaya all girls orphanage in Kaza
Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage was formed in 2007 and is a non-political, non-profit, all girls orphanage founded by Drs. Sumathi and AppaRao Mukkamala as a tribute to Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, who dedicated his entire life to the service of mankind.

CORD Thamaraipakkam
A glimpse into the activities and initiatives undertaken by CORD Thamaraipakkam center, in Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu.
CORD – Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development – the service wing of Chinmaya Mission has been active in the field of comprehensive rural development for over two decades.
It facilitates participatory, integrated and sustainable development for the poor in the villages through self-empowerment processes. CORD is involved in projects related to women empowerment, children and youth programmes, micro credit banking, income generation activities, primary healthcare services, nutrition, literacy, participatory natural resource management, sanitation and hygiene, rehabilitation of the differently abled and local self-governance through Panchayati Raj Institution among many other things.
Today the holistic programme covers over 750 villages with 5 lakh beneficiaries. CORD registered as a Trust has its head-office in New Delhi. Its rural development projects are running in Keonjhar and Sundergarh District (Odisha) Thiruvallur and Siruvani District (Tamil Nadu), Kangra District (Himachal) and an orphanage in Guntur District (Andhra Pradesh).
For more details, visit:
Email: subha@cordusa.org
Made for CORD Thamaraipakkam by -
Script – Acharya Priya Arunachalam
Camera – YuvaVeer Taruun Vaiddya
Editor – YuvaVeer Marina Hutton

What is Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development?

Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage in Kaza, Andra Pradesh
"Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it."
~ John D. Rockefeller
CORDUSA is a secular, non-profit that aims to help communities create a sustainable program to aid in their holistic welfare.
We strive to facilitate integrated, sustainable social help programs in local communities and in the Indian subcontinent through processes of self-empowerment and enrichment.
CORD is a bond of Love and Understanding, encouraging a process of sharing which enriches both the giver and the receiver. Please see more by going to "About us". Also read the testimonials to hear from real people, real stories, on how CORD has been transforming one life at a time since 1985

Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage in Kaza, Andra Pradesh
"Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it."
~ John D. Rockefeller
CORDUSA is a secular, non-profit that aims to help communities create a sustainable program to aid in their holistic welfare.
We strive to facilitate integrated, sustainable social help programs in local communities and in the Indian subcontinent through processes of self-empowerment and enrichment.
CORD is a bond of Love and Understanding, encouraging a process of sharing which enriches both the giver and the receiver. Please see more by going to "About us". Also read the testimonials to hear from real people, real stories, on how CORD has been transforming one life at a time since 1985

Guardian International Development Achievement Award winner 2012: Dr Kshama Metre
The Guardian International Development Achievement Award is given to an individual judged to have made a major contribution to the lives of some of the world's poorest people.
Many people wonder if they are making the most of their lives, if there is a true vocation they should be seeking. Dr Kshama Metre found hers in 1985 when she went to work in a mother and child health programme in the Himalayas. That was the beginning of Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (CORD), an organisation that has transformed the lives of many thousands of poor people across rural India.

Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage
Chinmaya Vijaya orphanage offers shelter to homeless young girls whose parents have died out of calamities or suicide due to poverty and debt. It is a part of Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD)

CORDUSA Service Visit Sidhbari 2013
We are always looking for ways to get people of all ages to be involved with CORDUSA. We usually have once-a-year service visit to one of the CORD Centers in India or Sri Lanka.
Service Visit 2013 - CORD Sidhbari.
Where: to CORD, Sidhbari
When: July 10 - July 30 2013

A Glimpse of CORD - Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development. What do we do?
With a goal to work comprehensively for the betterment of all strata of society, Chinmaya Mission began to closely engage with rural communities in and around Sidhbari in Himachal Pradesh, India. As a result of the laudable efforts of volunteers and the invaluable support from our donors around the world, the Chinmaya Rural Primary Health Care and Training center (also known as "the Sidhbari Project") was established in 1985, with the blessings and guidance of Pujya Swami Chinmayananda to help villagers, their families and communities to be self-sufficient.
On our path, there was no shortage of obstacles, however. Critical healthcare issues were inextricably intertwined with the harsh reality of rural India's poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination, all of which hinted at the formidable walls of social and economic disparities to be overcome.
The Sidhbari Project soon recharged and reshaped its approach to be more holistic and development oriented, focusing first on the empowerment of women. The Project took on, and succeeded in developing various training programs that tackled hard-hitting issues like healthcare and nutrition, micro-banking and income generation, rehabilitation of specially-abled (not "disabled") children, and natural resource management. These efforts blossomed into the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development.
The Sidhbari Project alone covered over 700 villages, benefiting over 60,000 participating villagers and over 500,000 indirect beneficiaries.
As the humanitarian activities grew in leaps and bounds, a vehicle was needed to coordinate and facilitate these noble endeavors. Recognizing the need for a coordinated approach for maximizing efforts, CORDUSA Inc. was formed in 2009 by Swami Tejomayananda to provide an umbrella organization to coordinate all humanitarian activities under Chinmaya Mission West. Its aim is to make it easier for individuals to reach out and help others both locally and globally.

CORDUSA Service Visit to Sidhbari 2012
Wonderful heart warming experience: Summer volunteer trip to Sidhbari ( 2012 )
We saw Guruji's words love in every action come alive throughout our two week trip amongst the CORD management, social workers and volunteers in Sidhbari. We are very fortunate to have had the oppurtunity to immerse and integrate in the community along with the CORD workers and interact with the villagers and learn a new way of appreciating the people in need and learn to serve with humility. We saw happiness, sense of fulfillment and enthusiasm among all the people who have benefitted through various community based sectors of CORD. We saw CORD's goal of imparting empowerment to women, children and disabled reached. We did not think that we will change the world in two weeks but we thought we will be making a difference but the experience is so beautiful we have changed the way we look at the world and people around us. I hope we will be able to keep this knowledge we gained with us all the time and go beyond ourselves in every thing we do.

CORD USA Visit to Tamaraipakkam - 2018
CORD USA Winter 2018 Service Visit to Tamaraipakkam
24 students from USA and Canada were very fortunate enough to have the unique opportunity to visit Tamaraipakam ashram and experience first-hand how CORD is making a difference in rural India. We were able to participate and see how CORD was helping in sustainable development of women through income generation activities and farmers by teaching them about organic manures. We also saw how Mahila mandal, Balavihar, Self help groups and Farmers club were empowering women, children, differently abled and farmers. Acharya Priyaji and Arunji were embodiment of Guruji’s words of selfless action, and their passion was truly infectious. Priyaji had mentioned how CORD doesn’t believe in charity but in empowering villagers, a good takeaway for kids on how they can help. Hopefully this unique and beautiful experience has given each and every one of us a new perspective of world around us.

Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Mahila Mandals (Self Help Groups)

The future of CORD (Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development)

CORD USA Service Visit to CORD Deuladiha - December2019-January2020
CORD USA coordinates service visits to CORD Centers across India and Sri Lanka every year. These visits are arranged on a national basis, all of our service project visits have been very successful, considering the dramatic impact that it has had on the participants.Rohan Patel, one of our students who attended the service visit to CORD Deuladiha put together his experience into a short movie.

CORD Sri Lanka update 2013
More than three years after the end of the 26-year armed conflict between the Sri Lankan armed forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), nearly 470,000 people displaced during its various stages have returned to their home areas. This does not mean, however, that there is no internal displacement in the country any more. As of the end of September 2012, more than 115,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) were still living in camps, with host communities or in transit sites, or had been relocated, often against their will, to areas other than their places of origin.

CORD Last Village
Overview of Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) projects. Its includes the income generation activity, self help groups, adult education, farming etc.

I am Khushi
"Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it."
~ John D. Rockefeller
CORDUSA is a secular, non-profit that aims to help communities create a sustainable program to aid in their holistic welfare.
We strive to facilitate integrated, sustainable social help programs in local communities and in the Indian subcontinent through processes of self-empowerment and enrichment.
CORD is a bond of Love and Understanding, encouraging a process of sharing which enriches both the giver and the receiver. Please see more by going to "About us". Also read the testimonials to hear from real people, real stories, on how CORD has been transforming one life at a time since 1985

A Remote Village Gurar - CORD's comprehensive development program
With a goal to work comprehensively for the betterment of all strata of society, Chinmaya Mission began to closely engage with rural communities in and around Sidhbari in Himachal Pradesh, India. As a result of the laudable efforts of volunteers and the invaluable support from our donors around the world, the Chinmaya Rural Primary Health Care and Training center (also known as "the Sidhbari Project") was established in 1985, with the blessings and guidance of Pujya Swami Chinmayananda to help villagers, their families and communities to be self-sufficient.
On our path, there was no shortage of obstacles, however. Critical healthcare issues were inextricably intertwined with the harsh reality of rural India's poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination, all of which hinted at the formidable walls of social and economic disparities to be overcome.
The Sidhbari Project soon recharged and reshaped its approach to be more holistic and development oriented, focusing first on the empowerment of women. The Project took on, and succeeded in developing various training programs that tackled hard-hitting issues like healthcare and nutrition, micro-banking and income generation, rehabilitation of specially-abled (not "disabled") children, and natural resource management. These efforts blossomed into the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development.
The Sidhbari Project alone covered over 700 villages, benefiting over 60,000 participating villagers and over 500,000 indirect beneficiaries.
As the humanitarian activities grew in leaps and bounds, a vehicle was needed to coordinate and facilitate these noble endeavors. Recognizing the need for a coordinated approach for maximizing efforts, CORDUSA Inc. was formed in 2009 by Swami Tejomayananda to provide an umbrella organization to coordinate all humanitarian activities under Chinmaya Mission West. Its aim is to make it easier for individuals to reach out and help others both locally and globally.

CORD - Kangra Paintings created by disabled people
CORD has changed the lives of disabled people helping them get trained in painting and helping them sell their paintings and make a living for themselves

CORD Sidhbari Trip 2012

CORDUSA Service Visit to Chinmaya Vijaya 2010
16 students went to Chinmaya Vijaya in Kaza, Andrapradesh to volunteer. They set out to perform student evaluations in Math and English, educate the orphanage girls in Math and English and teach arts, crafts, music, sports and dance. They also volunteered at the NRI medical hospital in Kaza.

Chinmaya Organization of Rural Develoment (CORD) Himachal, Self Help Groups
We volunteered there as part of our course in S.P. Jain MBA Institute in Mumbai, India. This is about GuruDhara, which is a women entrepreneurship initiative. These women epitomize entrepreneurship.

Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Community based Rehabilitation (CBR)

CORD USA - A youngster's experience on service visit
- Bringing awareness into the work CORD & CORD USA does
- Creating Ambassadors for taking our work forward in the Americas
- Raising funds and coordinate programs intended for social welfare both in the Americas and in the Indian Sub Continent.
- Undertaking Community Development opportunities in North America as per each community’s needs
- Coordinating Social Welfare Activities ... Homeless Shelter Feeding, Mentoring and tutoring low-income children, Food Banks, Greenbelt Cleanup, Reforestation Camps, Bhutanese Refugee Empowerment Program and much more
- Productively Engaging our Youth in Community Building
- Bringing out tomorrow’s leaders
- Service visits to CORD centers in India and Sri Lanka to gain firsthand experience in serving the underprivileged

Sanitation Program - CORD's comprehensive development programs
With a goal to work comprehensively for the betterment of all strata of society, Chinmaya Mission began to closely engage with rural communities in and around Sidhbari in Himachal Pradesh, India. As a result of the laudable efforts of volunteers and the invaluable support from our donors around the world, the Chinmaya Rural Primary Health Care and Training center (also known as "the Sidhbari Project") was established in 1985, with the blessings and guidance of Pujya Swami Chinmayananda to help villagers, their families and communities to be self-sufficient.
On our path, there was no shortage of obstacles, however. Critical healthcare issues were inextricably intertwined with the harsh reality of rural India's poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination, all of which hinted at the formidable walls of social and economic disparities to be overcome.
The Sidhbari Project soon recharged and reshaped its approach to be more holistic and development oriented, focusing first on the empowerment of women. The Project took on, and succeeded in developing various training programs that tackled hard-hitting issues like healthcare and nutrition, micro-banking and income generation, rehabilitation of specially-abled (not "disabled") children, and natural resource management. These efforts blossomed into the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development.
The Sidhbari Project alone covered over 700 villages, benefiting over 60,000 participating villagers and over 500,000 indirect beneficiaries.
As the humanitarian activities grew in leaps and bounds, a vehicle was needed to coordinate and facilitate these noble endeavors. Recognizing the need for a coordinated approach for maximizing efforts, CORDUSA Inc. was formed in 2009 by Swami Tejomayananda to provide an umbrella organization to coordinate all humanitarian activities under Chinmaya Mission West. Its aim is to make it easier for individuals to reach out and help others both locally and globally.

Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Panchayati Raj (Local Self Governance)

CORDUSA Service Visit 2012 to Sidhbari
Wonderful heart warming experience: Summer volunteer trip to Sidhbari ( 2012 ) - Another perspective by a participant.

Differently abled - CORD's comprehensive Development programs
With a goal to work comprehensively for the betterment of all strata of society, Chinmaya Mission began to closely engage with rural communities in and around Sidhbari in Himachal Pradesh, India. As a result of the laudable efforts of volunteers and the invaluable support from our donors around the world, the Chinmaya Rural Primary Health Care and Training center (also known as "the Sidhbari Project") was established in 1985, with the blessings and guidance of Pujya Swami Chinmayananda to help villagers, their families and communities to be self-sufficient.
On our path, there was no shortage of obstacles, however. Critical healthcare issues were inextricably intertwined with the harsh reality of rural India's poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination, all of which hinted at the formidable walls of social and economic disparities to be overcome.
The Sidhbari Project soon recharged and reshaped its approach to be more holistic and development oriented, focusing first on the empowerment of women. The Project took on, and succeeded in developing various training programs that tackled hard-hitting issues like healthcare and nutrition, micro-banking and income generation, rehabilitation of specially-abled (not "disabled") children, and natural resource management. These efforts blossomed into the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development.
The Sidhbari Project alone covered over 700 villages, benefiting over 60,000 participating villagers and over 500,000 indirect beneficiaries.
As the humanitarian activities grew in leaps and bounds, a vehicle was needed to coordinate and facilitate these noble endeavors. Recognizing the need for a coordinated approach for maximizing efforts, CORDUSA Inc. was formed in 2009 by Swami Tejomayananda to provide an umbrella organization to coordinate all humanitarian activities under Chinmaya Mission West. Its aim is to make it easier for individuals to reach out and help others both locally and globally.

Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Farm Sector

Guardian International Development Achievement Award winner 2012: Dr Kshama Metre
The Guardian International Development Achievement Award is given to an individual judged to have made a major contribution to the lives of some of the world's poorest people.
Many people wonder if they are making the most of their lives, if there is a true vocation they should be seeking. Dr Kshama Metre found hers in 1985 when she went to work in a mother and child health programme in the Himalayas. That was the beginning of Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (CORD), an organisation that has transformed the lives of many thousands of poor people across rural India.
I am Khushi
Chinmaya Vijaya all girls orphanage in Kaza
CORD Thamaraipakkam
What is Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development?
Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage in Kaza, Andra Pradesh
Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage in Kaza, Andra Pradesh
Guardian International Development Achievement Award winner 2012: Dr Kshama Metre
Chinmaya Vijaya Orphanage
CORDUSA Service Visit Sidhbari 2013
A Glimpse of CORD - Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development
CORDUSA Service Visit to Sidhbari 2012
CORD USA Visit to Tamaraipakkam - 2018
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Mahila Mandals (Self Help Groups)
The future of CORD (Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development)
CORD USA Service Visit to CORD Deuladiha - December2019-January2020
CORD Sri Lanka update 2013
CORD Last Village
I am Khushi
A Remote Village Gurar - CORD's comprehensive development program
CORD - Kangra Paintings created by disabled people
CORD Sidhbari Trip 2012
CORDUSA Service Visit to Chinmaya Vijaya 2010
Chinmaya Organization of Rural Develoment (CORD) Himachal, Self Help Groups
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Community based Rehabilitation (CBR)
CORD USA - A youngster's experience on service visit
Sanitation Program - CORD's comprehensive development programs
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Panchayati Raj (Local Self Governance)
CORDUSA Service Visit 2012 to Sidhbari
Differently abled - CORD's comprehensive Development programs
Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development - Farm Sector
Guardian International Development Achievement Award winner 2012: Dr Kshama Metre